Well, the newsletter has made it into the new millennium, having survived the flu virus which delayed its publication by a few weeks. Very many thanks to everyone who contributed articles and suggestions. The newsletter is a way of keeping everyone informed about what is happening, of asking questions or opinions and even a means of publishing small articles. So every contribution, however small, is very welcome. The grand title of 'Editor' goes to whoever is willing to put it all together and volunteers for that job are also welcome.
Since the last issue, the booklet 'Treatment of Human Remains: Technical Paper for Archaeologists' has been published and was launched in the National Museum of Ireland in October. Dr. Pat Wallace, Director, kindly hosted the event and was very complimentary about the booklet and to all who specialised in bone studies in Ireland, past and present. The booklet has received good reviews in England and the recent Palaeopathology Association Newsletter from the USA also commented favourably upon it. We are very grateful to everyone concerned.
The IAPA sub-committee on human remains is still continuing its work and hopes to have a standardised field recording sheet available soon. It is hoped to have this ready for the spring meeting and it will be made available through IAPA and Duchas the Heritage Service or any member of the committee.
Consultation with members of the public, archaeologists, archaeological institutions, members of the palaeopathology association and other interested parties has taken place this summer for the Heritage Council's report on the ethics and legal issues involved in excavating human remains. This is being undertaken by GUARD of the University of Glasgow. The report should be published shortly.
The newsletter has also made it on to the World Wide Web thanks to Thaddeus Breen, more details inside.
In this issue we have news of a new technique from Holland for dating cremated bones, an exciting Bronze Age double cist discovery in Northern Ireland, a summary of past finds from Dunmore Cave in the light of new treasures unearthed there and news from other parts of the palaeopathology world. Enjoy!
Laureen Buckley