
The Third International Congress on the Evolution and Palaeoepidemiology of

Infectious Diseases (ICEPID 3), under the presidency of Professor Ives Coppens, will be held on July 24th - 31st 1999. It is being co-organised by Dr. Charlotte Roberts (Bradford, UK), Dr. Gyorgy Palfi (Szeged, Hungary) and Dr. Olivier Dutour (Marseilles, France) and hosted by the Calvin Wells Laboratory, Department of Archaeological Sciences, University of Bradford, England.


The Congress will run over four days (27th-30th) with an optional excursion on the 31st. Sessions will include:


Poster and practical sessions are also planned. So here's your chance to plan your vacation around the Congress and visit England! The organisers would like

expressions of interest in the Congress to whom further information will be sent. All correspondence to:


Dr. Charlotte Roberts

Calvin Wells Laboratory

Department of Archaeological Sciences

University of Bradford

Bradford BD7 1DP



Tel: 01274 233538

Fax: 01274 235190

Email: C.A.Roberts@Bradford.ac.uk